SociPoster is easy to use. Simply follow the instructions below and you will be all set.
This section is where you enter your email address, primary website, and a short bio.
Here is where the fun begins, and we’ll go through this posting tool one step at a time.
Click on the ACCOUNTS tab and add the social sites you already joined. There are a total of 15. You can join those you don’t belong to anytime.
This section is where you post to the sites you want to set up, and here’s how you do this.
A. On the left-hand side, you enter your offer, your subject line, your website URL, your message, and you choose an image. If you don’t have a picture, leave the space blank.
B. Click Save the Post but do not click the Share Now button yet. The next thing you must do is make sure you use the right kind of URL when you post.
There are three types of URLs you can use in your posts. A direct link to your website like, A Bitly or TinyURL.
C. You need to select the social sites you want your message to go to first.
D. There are two ways to do this. Select that social site on the left and right-hand side if you are sending to one social site. If you post to more than one social site, check the box with six dots on both left and right sides.
E. On the right side, click the ADD button to view the pages to add so you can post to them. Make sure you click in the white space to the right of the page’s name.
F. Now, you are ready to click the Share Now button.
When you click Share Now, a popup window will appear. You will see a green line scroll across the top of your posting sites.
This line shows the site it is posting on.
If you post to one page on one social site at a time, your posts will be instant.
If you send to more than one page on a single social media site, say Facebook, there will be a 2-minute delay between posts.
Example: I have five Facebook pages, so it posts on 1 of them, and then there is a 2-minute delay until SociPoster posts to the next page until it has posted on all five pages.
The delay has been set so that your posts do not seem like you are auto-posting.
It would be better to just set up your main page on each social media site and not make duplicates.
That is the end of the posting process. You can check your Social Media sites to see that your posts are there
If you get stuck, watch Phil’s videos in the member area, and you can see how to do all this and listen to Phil’s wonderful Australian accent.